This is a demo of Messina, Anno Domini 1190, a one act music drama by Stephen Perks (please note that this is a computerised simulation using a sound library not a live performance). The full libretto along with an historical introduction and synopsis of the story is available here.

Demo of The Legend of the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus, a three act music drama by Stephen Perks (please note that this is a computerised demo using a sound library not a live performance). The full libretto along with a synopsis is available here.

Psalm 24, from Three Canticles for St Mary Magdalene by Stephen Perks

Choir: Amici. Conductor: John Cole. Organist: Andrew Carter. Recorded in the parish Church of Saint John the Baptist, Wellington, Somerset on 6 February 2012. Copyright Stephen Perks, 2008.

Magnificat, from Three Canticles for St Mary Magdalene by Stephen Perks

Choir: Amici. Conductor: John Cole. Organist: Andrew Carter. Recorded in the parish Church of Saint John the Baptist, Wellington, Somerset on 6 February 2012. Copyright Stephen Perks, 2008.

Nunc Dimittis from Three Canticles for St Mary Magdalene by Stephen Perks

Choir: Amici. Conductor: John Cole. Organist: Andrew Carter. Recorded in the parish Church of Saint John the Baptist, Wellington, Somerset on 6 February 2012. Copyright Stephen Perks, 2008.